eNewsletter Archives

eNewsletter Archives2019-03-15T17:52:28+00:00

Mitch Anthony’s Intuitive Advisor provides you with articles and advice that address issues important to financial services professionals.  Each edition is packed with actionable ideas that you’ll be able to implement in your own practice right away. Every month Mitch and “Practice Doc” Al Depman—as well as guest columnists—provide you with the tools and techniques to help you practice with a purpose.  Best of all, it’s free!

Past eNewsletters

The Hidden—and Not So Hidden—Costs of Education

by Mitch Anthony In some communities, getting into certain kindergarten programs can be as tough as getting into an Ivy League school. Since 1997, the number of kids taking the ERB (an aptitude test used [...]

Investing in Yourself

by Mitch Anthony Few conversations are more fascinating than what money means in our lives. People constantly mull, study, worry, regret, scrutinize, second-guess, hope, and fantasize over money. At its best, money helps us live [...]

Becoming Indispensable to Your Clients

by Steve Sanduski Over the next few years, it's going to become harder and harder to maintain the 1 percent AUM fee that is common in our industry. From my perspective, there are two possible [...]

Prepare Psychologically for Retirement

Originally posted at Abqjournal , by Donna Skeels Cygan.Is Sunday evening the best part of your week? Many recent retirees tell me they savor their Sunday evenings, because they are no longer stressed about going to work [...]

How to Cut Your Spending and Feel Good About It

If you want to rein in your spending, there's a way to make the process easier: Check your values. "For a lot of people, there's a disconnect between what they say is important and how [...]

Adding Value to Your Practice

by Mitch Anthony Over the past several months, we've discussed many of the concepts that can help you add value to your practice through retirement coaching. This month, we'll wrap up our discussion. Retirement coaching [...]

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