Mitch’s Media Coverage & Podcasts

Mitch’s Media Coverage & Podcasts2024-06-04T17:14:59+00:00

Latest Publications

Opinion: The Challenges of Finding Purpose

Originally posted at by Lewis Walker, CFP, July 8, 2023. On radio and television you constantly hear ads about planning for a well-funded retirement. Suppose with the help of a financial advisor, and/or through [...]

Opinion: Goal setting – Why not now?

Originally posted at by Lewis Walker, CFP, May 15, 2023. Ask people about retirement goals and you get a wish list ─ travel, play more golf, spend more time with family and friends, etc. [...]

Opinion: The evolution of financial planning

Originally posted at by Lewis Walker, CFP, June 7, 2023. In the 1960s, and prior to that, financial advice, such as it was, came largely from purveyors of products such as stockbrokers, insurance agents [...]

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