What Attendees Think of Mitch:
“Took 2 pages full of notes! Powerful!”
“Personally, I thought Mitch was the most impactful of all the presenters.”
“Some great questions, lessons, etc. Great speech!”
“Absolutely fantastic! I did his training 20 years ago and still find his information incredibly useful!”
“Mitch Anthony was the best part of the entire Regional Meeting. His talk is changing the way I work. Have him back anytime!”
“Mitch Anthony was the perfect way to bring us back to the realities of what we do. Thanks for including him in the program.”
“He understands what people need from their Financial Advisor. He lives and breathes it!”
“Mitch Anthony was very engaging, and the only speaker who actually stimulated my brain on Sunday afternoon.”
“Mitch Anthony should be included in this event every year moving forward.”
“Mitch Anthony was worth the whole two days invested. Outstanding!”
“Mitch was just what was needed at the end of a long day.”
“Should be brought back every few years. Wonderful.”
“This was exactly the type of event that I need from the FPA. It helps me look at things a different way for the betterment of my clients’ well-being.”
“Mr. Anthony was superb. I’m already reading his book.”
Keynote Speaking
“The perfect speaker and content for this kind of event.” – Workshop attendee
The E.P.I.C.
Mitch Anthony changed the conversation about retirement from one focused solely on money to one focused on purpose. In The E.P.I.C. Retirement, he moves that conversation to the next level by challenging advisors to step up, broaden their capacity, and embrace a new role: Retirement Coach.