Articles by Mitch

Articles by Mitch2018-01-26T17:23:17+00:00

Latest Publications

What Really Smart Financial Advisors Do

Life-Centered Financial Planning Essentials: What Really Smart Financial Advisors Do Having a fruitful conversation involves merging meaning with the person you are speaking with. It does not mean that you should monopolize the conversation by [...]

The Difference Between Success and Failure

Life-Centered Financial Planning Essentials:  The Difference Between Success and Failure Soft skills are the hard stuff—but they’re the difference between success and failure when it comes to life-centered financial planning. Learn all you can about [...]

The Most Important Factor in the Equation

Life-Centered Financial Planning Essentials:  The Most Important Factor in the Equation    The key difference between money-centered and life-centered financial planners is that money-centered financial planners use inferior processes that treat money as if it [...]

Focusing on the Purpose of Your Client’s Money

Life-Centered Financial Planning Essentials: Focusing on the Purpose of Your Client's Money Traditional financial planning has mostly been focused on helping clients make and save more money. But lost in the shuffle is their money’s [...]

The Nexus of Advisor-Client Relationships and Dialogue

Life-Centered Financial Planning Essentials: The Nexus of Advisor-Client Relationships and Dialogue What should the nexus of the advisor-client relationship and dialogue be? Is there a more profound anchoring point aside from the money mechanics—investing, rebalancing, [...]

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