eNewsletter Archives

eNewsletter Archives2019-03-15T17:52:28+00:00

Mitch Anthony’s Intuitive Advisor provides you with articles and advice that address issues important to financial services professionals.  Each edition is packed with actionable ideas that you’ll be able to implement in your own practice right away. Every month Mitch and “Practice Doc” Al Depman—as well as guest columnists—provide you with the tools and techniques to help you practice with a purpose.  Best of all, it’s free!

Past eNewsletters

The Competitive Advantage of Emotional Intelligence

Being emotionally intelligent means being both smart and sentient. To think otherwise is, frankly, just not very smart. The door of awareness stands between your emotional and rational selves. When this door is closed, you [...]

The Best Gift You Can Give Your Clients (And Yourself)

As an advisor, there are three traps you––and by extension, your clients––can get caught in: 1. Predicting the future 2. Executing perfect timing 3.  Focusing on outperforming last year’s returns You could argue that these [...]

Become a Better Biographer of Your Clients

When clients (or potential clients) think about working with a financial advisor, it’s a monumental decision—unlike most other decisions they’ll face. What other product or service carries this level of emotional impact? Certainly buying a [...]

Five Essential Questions to Ask Your Clients

As many advisors know, I’m a big proponent of getting to know your clients before you even start to talk about investing their money. Part of the process includes understanding their goals and transitions (and [...]

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